Podcast 6 - Making Sense of Confidence

Introducing Episode 6 of "Making Sense of Neuroscience and Humans at Work"

An Interview with Kelly Swingler and Victoria for #ThisIsBurnout

Kelly and Victoria discuss the prevention and management of burnout as part of #ThisIsBurnout week Jan 2023

Learning - how do we learn something new. How does the brain learn?

How does the brain learn? Clive Hyland explains that 99% of what we process goes on at unconscious and subconscious level.

Introduction to the role of neuroscience in human behaviour

Introduction to the role of neuroscience in human behaviour.

The hidden opportunity of coronavirus isolation - a new view on life and work

The hidden opportunity of coronavirus isolation - a new view on life and work.

Personal Discovery - understand who you are without judgement.

Personal Discovery - understand who you are without judgement.

Perception and perspective - The role of visual attention and unconscious bias.

Perception and perspective - The role of visual attention and unconscious bias.

Resilience - the ongoing ability to cope with challenges that confront us and the role of belief

Resilience - the ongoing ability to cope with challenges that confront us and the role of belief.

How do we define happiness?

How do we define happiness?

High personal performance - the connection between brain and body

High personal performance - the connection between brain and body.

Clive Hyland introduces neuroscience to leadership strategy

Clive Hyland introduces neuroscience to leadership strategy.

Decision making is dominated in most cases by emotions and instincts

Decision making is dominated in most cases by emotions and instincts.

Clive Hyland explains trust in leadership

Clive Hyland explains the critical role of trust In leadership.

Instinctive, emotional, rational or reflective?

Communication skills - Instinctive, emotional, rational or reflective?

Self awareness and consciousness

Self awareness and the state of consciousness.

How do we get a team to step into the zone

How do we get a team to step into the zone.

Leadership - The role of vision and energy

Leadership - The role of vision and energy.

Feedback is a much discussed subject

Clive Hyland explains that we need to understand how the person we are offering feedback to views the .

The myth of working well under stress

The myth of working well under stress.

Clive Hyland sets out what successful future organisations will need to consider

Clive Hyland sets out what successful future organisations will need to consider.

We are a product of our DNA and life experiences

Our life experiences are the sum of what we have learnt to pay attention to.

Predominately we respond subconsciously

Most of our emotional responses to life are framed by around the age of 7.

Interpersonal shaping - we are what we have learnt to be

Interpersonal shaping - we are what we have learnt to be.

We fundamentally want to survive or thrive

We fundamentally want to survive or thrive and the oldest part of our brain which is the home...

We are not thought driven human beings

It is far too simplistic to think that everything is thought based. Instincts and emotions in the brain are quicker to register...

We are energetic not psychological beings

The body does not work on psychological principles. We did not have complex thinking or language until the later stages...


Get The First Chapter Free

The Neuro Edge brings the complex world of neuroscience into everyday relevance.

For those engaged in leading, developing and supporting people in organisations, this book explains the inner workings of the brain and its role in determining our thoughts, feelings and instincts and examines the role of the heart and gut as part of our wider intelligence system.


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Make Sense Ltd helps organisations to release people potential through leadership coaching, training and strategy facilitation. Simply leave us your details and either Clive or Victoria will get back to you shortly.